Compulsive gambling is a frightening and insidious disease. It takes a lot of work to recover. We are fortunate to have the program of Gamblers Anonymous as a proven solution.
Gamblers Anonymous offers hope for a normal way of thinking and living free of compulsive gambling. We can have every reason to hope for our own recovery because we see recovery happening in fellow members. We feel renewed hope for ourselves when we reach out to a newcomer and share our own experience and strength.
When compulsive gambling dominated our lives, our waking hours were often full of terror about consequences, bewilderment at our behavior, frustration at our inability to stop, and the despair that none of this could ever change.
In recovery, we attend meetings, work the Steps, ask each other for support, and extend a warm welcome to all compulsive gamblers seeking help. In return, our lives can be filled with contentment, usefulness, possibility, and hope.
Living a life of recovery does not grant us immunity from the winds and storms of existence. Births, deaths, serious illnesses, marriages, divorces, job promotions, job losses, victories, and disappointments are a part of life. Staying strong together gives us the tools to survive the ups and downs of life -- free from compulsive gambling.
The Gamblers Anonymous Recovery Program offers freedom from compulsive gambling. The program works for introverts and it works for extroverts. It works for people from all walks of life. The program also works on all types of compulsive gambling. It will even work on forms of compulsive gambling that had yet to be conceived when this was written.
The recovery program of Gamblers Anonymous works. It will work for you, if you work it to the best of your ability. The GA Fellowship exists to help you.
You have come to the right place. You are not alone in this. We are the people who have experience and a deep understanding of this disease. We know how it feels to try to recover, and to keep on trying. Recovery happens when the hopeless find hope. Recovery happens when worn-out people persist in coming to meetings, working the program, and trying to help others.
Never ever give up. Whether you are new to GA, returning to GA, or a longtime member, your experience is precious to us. You are precious to us. Everyone gets tired and overwhelmed sometimes. Urges are a fact. We don't expect you to be perfect. Share as honestly as you can. Your story is going to be the exact one that will help someone else. Never ever give up.